Victoria Pugh

Victoria trained at the Welsh College of Music and Drama, is a fluent welsh speaker and mezzo soprano.

TV: ‘DSI Susan Lynn’ in ‘Hidden/Craith’ (Series 1 & 2)  and regular trouble maker ‘Mags’ in the Welsh soap opera ‘Rownd a Rownd’. Gwenda in the third ’35 Diwrnod’ Series.

Theatre: Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Troilus & Cressida, Of Mice and Men, Cordell Trillogy, UnderMilk Wood, The Nutcracker (Clwyd Theatr Cymru).Deffro’r Gwanwyn, Trwy Ddulliau Chwyldro, Porth y Byddar, Dwr Mawr Dyfn (Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru). Recently performed in two-handers ‘Vincent River’ and ‘Constellations’.

Radio: Dulliau Chwyldro, Morus y Gwynt (BBC Radio Cymru). BBCWales soap ‘Station Road’ playing another trouble maker, Amy Evans.

Other skills: Yoga teacher and fully qualified primary school teacher.

Her first job was as a housemaid in the film ‘August’ directed by Sir Anthony Hopkins!

Represented by Debi Maclean and Ffion Evans