Sion Eifion

Having graduated from LAMDA in 2016, Siôn worked withTheatr Genedlaethol Cymru on a welsh adaption of ‘Macbeth’, and then went on to play ‘Malcolm’ in The Macbeths at The Pleasance Theatre in London. He appeared as various different comedy characters on S4C’s Cacamwnci, and has since been working on a number of projects with Theatr Clwyd, including Junior Justice, and Llew a’r Crydd.In 2019, Siôn appeared regularly on a popular S4C drama called 35 Awr, and is currently filming the second series of Craith/Hiddenfor S4C and the BBC. He’s also developing his first piece as a writer, ‘The Rise and Fall of Lucky the Clown’, having received funding from Arts Council Wales.

Represented by Debi Maclean and Ffion Evans