Amongst her many screen roles Sian played regular character Cathryn in the long running drama series ROWND A ROWND S4C (17 years) and other TV credits include the part as ‘mam’ in the Baffta Cymru Award Winning Childrens drama series Deian a Loli (series 1 & 2) Jessie in BBC Soap Pobl y Cwm and Byw Celwydd.
Sian is also a highly skilled, bilingual voiceover artist having narrated Welsh-language animations including, Peppa Pig, Dennis a Dannedd, Henri Helynt, Miraculous, Blero’n mynd i Oci Do, Spider Man, Kunfu Panda, Ben a Mali, Pengwiniaid Madagasga,
Sian’s voice has also been heard on numerous occasions over the years on various Welsh drama productions for BBC Radio Cymru.